With the aim of addressing the difficulties in enforcement and ensuring the legitimate rights and interests of the people, Ningbo Maritime Court has arranged a series of enforcement actions recently. On September 6, 2017, the Court initiated another quick concentrated action- moving the 8731 tons bulk carrier “Qinfeng 208” out of the controlling area of the persistent defaulters in Taizhou, Zhejiang Province. It is said such huge movement is the first in China.
“Qinfeng 208” was arrested in Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province, by the Court on May 26, 2016, upon the application of the crews who haven’t been paid, but then was illegally moved to Taizhou by one of the ship’s shareholders. The Court warned the shareholder and arrested the ship again in Taizhou during June this year. The ship was auctioned off at a price of RMB20.88 million through Taobao on July 31 and delivered to the buyer in August. However, the former shareholders of the ship occupied the ship soon after the delivery and expelled the buyer, who then has to resort to the Court.
In order to build judicial authority and strike law-breaking acts, the Court decided to take effective actions. Complete and thorough plan has been made: Firstly, the court to liaise with the local government, MSA, the Border, village committee for support to ensure safety and to avoid group incidents, as the ship was jointly built by many shareholders and most of them live in the village near the dock the ship berthed. Secondly, to arrange 48 pumps in place since the ship has been injected 11000 tons water for anti-typhoon purpose. The action lasted 25 hours, from September 6, 7pm to 8pm the next day, during the night, most enforcement marshals from the Court slept on the deck to ensure the safety while the 48 pumps were drawing water from the ship. The ship was moved out of the dock and delivered to the buyer eventually. More than 500 officers including enforcement marshals, police officers have participated in the action.