On November 15th, maritime trial theory committee of trial theory symposium for annual conference 2016 was held in Shanghai Maritime Court, with the theme“Theory Research to constrcution of the international maritime judicial center and maritime trials”. Vice president of Supreme Court He Rong attended the symposium and gave a speech. She pointed out that since the 18th People’s Congress of CPC, the party central committee has been advancing the strategy of ocean power and vigorously promoting the “belt and road” initiative. It is an important task and duty of currently maritme justice to serve the national security strategies and to build the international martime judicial center. This task is also a main focus of the theory research to martime trial. Standing committee of shanghai municipal people’s congress and secretary of political and legislative affairs committee Jiang Ping, president of shanghai high people’s court and chief commissioner of maritime trial theory committee Cui Ya Dong attended the symposium, as well as deputy chief judge of the fourth civil tribunal of supreme court Wang Shu Mei,and about 110 representatives from domestic maritime justice system, district courts, competent authorities, research institutes, companies and legal sevice organizations. Participants at the symposium had in-depth discussion and communication under the themes entitled “routes and actions to advance construction of international maritime judicial center”“research to maritime trial theory and practical problems under the new jurisdiction range” “research to the frontline questions of maritime trials”.
At the symposium, our court president Chen Hui Ming gave a theme speech entiled “make blueprint, advance stably, actively participate in the construction of international maritime judicial center”. The speech formed by 4 parts, which were the historic opportunity, reference experience, design ideas and strategic meanings in respect of the construction of international maritime judicial cener, focusing on our court’s planning and practice for constructing the international maritime judicial center with careful thinking and active participation, achieved wide acclaim from the leaders and represenatives at the symposium.
As informed, 115 researching papers were accepted by the symposium and 30 of them won awards. For preparing the symposium, 9 papers was selected and send by our court, among which, the result of court’s annual investigation and research program 2016 directed by president Chen Hui Ming entitled “Proposition on the measure index and top-level design of international maritime judicial center”won the first prize, Lin Shen’s paper entitled “discussion on improving the martitime lien sysment from the perspective of sea crews”won the third prize, and the co-authorship paper collaborated by Li Feng and Luo Xiao Bing entitled “thoughts about the challenges caused by bankrupt of ship company and the solutions thereto ”won the merit prize. The number of the papers sent, the level of the prizes won and the number of the prizes, all achieved new leapfrogs, so as to reveal the continually improvement of the research ability and level of our officers and judges.